Planned seminars

New schedule
Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Alfilgen N. Sebandal
Alfilgen N. Sebandal, Linnaeus University (Sweden) and RCTP (Philippines)

In the 1960's, W. Leavitt studied a class of universal algebras which do not have a well-defined rank, i.e., algebras $L$ for which $L^m\cong L^n$ as $L$-modules with $m\lt n$, later known as the Leavitt algebra $L(m,n)$. In two simultaneuous but independent studies by G. Abrams and G. Pino, and P. Ara et al., an algebra arising from a directed graph $E$ and a field $K$ has been introduced called the Leavitt path algebra $L_K(E)$. This algebra turned out to be the generalization of $L(1,n)$. In fact, $L(1,n)\cong L_K(R_n)$ where $R_n$ is the graph having one vertex and $n$ loops.

In 2013, R. Hazrat formulated the Graded Classification Conjecture for Leavitt path algebras which claims that the so-called talented monoid is a graded Morita invariant for the class of Leavitt path algebras. In this talk, we will see Leavitt Path algebra modules as a special case of quiver representation with relations and how it will take a role in proving the conjecture.

More concretely, we will provide evidences and a confirmation in the finite-dimensional case of the conjecture.

This is a compilation of joint works with Wolfgang Bock, Roozbeh Hazrat, and Jocelyn Vilela.

Unusual schedule
Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Serena Benigno, Università degli Studi della Campania

To be announced

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Leland Brown, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

To be announced

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Pablo dos Santos Corrêa Junior, Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação - Universidade de São Paulo

To be announced

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Jakob Fromherz, Johannes Kepler University Linz

To be announced