Europe/Lisbon New schedule
Room P10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Diogo Andrade

Diogo Andrade, Instituto Superior Técnico (CAMGSD), Universidade de Lisboa

Topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) have attracted much attention from the physics and mathematical communities over the last thirty years, and for good reason: in low dimensions they let simple topology inform less-understood algebraic constructions. In the first half of this talk we will introduce factorization homology, a powerful procedure for constructing TQFTs out of homotopical gadgets, called $\mathsf{E}_n$-algebras. We explore this in dimension $n=1$, by using string-nets. In the second half of the talk, we introduce TQFTs with defects and factorization homology for stratified spaces and for an appropriate notion of stratified $\mathsf{E}_n$-algebra. Once again, we focus on dimension $n=1$, and will end by offering a conjectural connection between string-nets on stratified cylinders, Drinfel'd centres for bimodule categories and quasiparticles in a topological quantum computer.